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Arabella Steinbacher performs Lentz

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Remarkable violinist Arabella Steinbacher gives the world premiere of Georges Lentz’s transcendent new Violin Concerto.

Luminous & Transcendent

Arabella Steinbacher is one of the world’s most in-demand violinists, and a stellar performer arriving to premiere a concerto by composer and Sydney Symphony musician Georges Lentz. Part luminous meditation, part dark diabolical jig creating an elegy for our grandchildren’s planet, this is a concerto that requires true virtuosity. In Arabella Steinbacher’s hands, it will be a transcendent experience.

The colossal opening chords of Thus Spoke Zarathustra are iconic – made famous by Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey. Richard Strauss had a unique gift for generating enormous sound from a symphony orchestra. Vast, beautiful and almost overwhelming, Zarathustra is awe-inspiring from start to finish.

BIBER Battalia in D
GEORGES LENTZ “…to beam in distant heavens…” – Violin Concerto
R STRAUSS Thus Spoke Zarathustra

Umberto Clerici conductor
Arabella Steinbacher violin

Presented by Sydney Symphony Orchestra