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BUDDHADATTA (Japan) + Restless Leg (Sydney) + Zipper Clone (Central Coast)

past event


Buddhadatta are excited about playing at Link and Pin on Friday 14th April 2023. Come see these Japansese noise/punk luminaries unleash their special progressive form of Japanese tribal rock singing Japanese Buddhism with their own harmonic overtone intepretations.
The band are a three piece consisting of Voglibonze (Nagoya) plus Seikoro Seiko (bass) and Takami Osono (drums) who both hail from Osaka. They are regulars on the Japanese live circuit and have recently created a lot of racket – so much so that they now plan to tour the world w/MoshPit Bar being their first port of call.
Historian buffs may like to know that Volglibonze currently plays in a band with Austushi Tsuyama (original member of Acid Mothers Temple) whilst Takami was a member of Continental Kids, one of the most famous Japanese punk bands from the 1980s. Seikoro is also renowned in Osaka for her unique bass playing style and infectious live energy.
Essentially Buddhadatta comprise of a group of Japanese punk rock legends who have come together to play an active role in the world.
Supports are the wonderful Restless Leg (featuring members of Peabody and Sick Fizz) and the energetic central coast cyborg punk duo that is Zipper Clone.
ADMISSION – FREE – get in early so you don’t miss out!


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