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UP-LATE PLAY DATE | Vivid Sydney Supper Club

past event


Close out the glorious Vivid Sydney Supper Club season with the best adults only kids’ party you’ve ever been to. A chance to indulge your inner child, have a drink and swear (if you want to) – this is the epitome of having your proverbial cake and eating it too.

There’ll be comedy, music, party hats, games, face painting, fairy bread, and craft! Featuring a bonkers line-up of your favourite children’s entertainers staying up way past their bedtime. Expect special adult-size performances from Tim MinchinOG Wiggle Murray Cook, comedian Nikki Britton & Play School’s Abi Tucker and Emma Palmer. Plus a sparkling craft workshop with superstar designer-to-the-stars Rachel Burke (@imakestagram)!

Join us deep in Mary’s Underground, as grown-up children Georgia Mooney and Rhys Nicholson finish their sensational run of variety shows with a (party popper) bang! And fairy bread. And gin. It’ll be a night of surprises and big-kid fun, so book your babysitter now.

Vivid Sydney Supper Club is your festival go-to for late-night cabaret at Mary’s Underground. Every Thursday and Friday night, join your multi award-winning hosts, comedian Rhys Nicholson and chanteuse Georgia Mooney, along with the Supper Club House Band, as they present a strictly limited season of meticulously curated late-night variety shows boasting the best music, comedy, storytelling, and general razzmatazz from around the country.