Residing on the shores of the Gold Coast, eclectic rock quartet Peach Fur once again cross sonic boundaries & states to share their new single LIFE. Life is an ode to all creation; the good and the bad, life and death, chaos and order. With the upcoming release of their debut album ‘EARTH RADIO’ Peachy hit the Aus circuit on the back of album songs including YUMMY, SUN RAYS & BLOOM. They’ve hit the JJJ’s airwaves, packing out rooms across the east coast of Australia, landed Triple J Unearthed feature artist of the week & a slot on the Spilt Milk lineup in their hometown.
LIFE is out February 15 2023.
Event Dates
Venue: Lansdowne
- Address: 2-6 City Rd, Chippendale NSW 2008
- Ticket Price: $26.98 Buy Tickets